internet service
in the field of scientometrics
The ID SCIENCE Internet service is designed to provide information support for scientific and educational activities of organizations. The service provides access to aggregated and systematized information from scientific databases, including data on researchers, their publications, participation in scientific conferences, grants and other scientific activities.

Open data. Only verified data that undergoes double moderation.

A pseudo-Latin text used in web design, layout, and printing in place of things to emphasise layouts for previewing layouts and visual mockups.

A pseudo-Latin text used in web design, layout, and printing in place of things to emphasise layouts for previewing layouts and visual mockups.

A pseudo-Latin text used in web design, layout, and printing in place of things to emphasise layouts for previewing layouts and visual mockups.

A pseudo-Latin text used in web design, layout, and printing in place of things to emphasise layouts for previewing layouts and visual mockups.

A pseudo-Latin text used in web design, layout, and printing in place of things to emphasise layouts for previewing layouts and visual mockups.

A pseudo-Latin text used in web design, layout, and printing in place of things to emphasise layouts for previewing layouts and visual mockups.